Friday, July 01, 2005

We hold these truths to be self evident

My 5 year old was in the bath examining the contents of his scrotum. After a thorough investigation he looked up and asked "Are these my brains?". Well the answer is really both yes and no isn't it. The 50 % of the population who are baggage carriers are often accused of thinking with our dicks. I disagree. Don't think with it, but always get it's opinion and listen carefully to it's advice. Mind you George Melly said he was quite thankful when he lost his libido because he felt like he had spent his whole adult life chained to an idiot.

When my 9 year old was about 3, he once sat in front of the tv reciting over and over again "Cartoon animals talk, real animals don't talk"

I one heard a quote from Al Jorgenson along the lines of "A man with a great car does not need to be justified". I wouldn't quite go that far (but thanks to a car capable brother I do have a great car now) but I watched School Of Rock the other night, (didn't enjoy it quite as much as I expected to) and the line that really spoke to me was when he consoled one self doubting child with the lines ".....but you're in a rockin' band." Now the self belief and sheer righteousness of knowing that you're in a great band is a fine feeling. And I had it twice.

Last quote of the day is from Bootsy Collins when he was talking about Stevie Wonder. The reason why I like it is that it's simple and because you immediately understand the Bootsy world view. There can obviously (of course it's obvious) only be 2 kinds of people, funky and not funky. There is a however a sliding scale of funkiness. "Stevie Wonder?....Most funky."

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